El Colegio Episcopal Profesora Laura Morrow | The Professor Laura Morrow Episcopal School
Por Rda. P. Divina Providencia Matos Florestal
El Colegio Episcopal Profesora Laura Morrow. Actualmente tiene 54 estudiantes, desde inicial hasta sexto de primaria, en la presencial. Los de inicial, primero segundo vienen a recibir clases martes y jueves. Los de tercero, cuarto, quinto y sexto, vienen los lunes, miércoles y viernes. Estan viniendo separados por el protocolo que nos indica el Ministerio de Educación y Salud Pública, para la prevención del Covid-19.
The Episcopal school in Jimaní, Colegio Episcopal Profesora Laura Morrow, currently has 54 students from kindergarten to sixth grade in the classroom. Those students in the kindergarten, first and second grades come to receive classes Tuesday and Thursday.Those students in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth grades come on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They are coming in these separate groups to follow the protocol indicated by the Ministry of Education and Public Health for the prevention of Covid-19.